Is Perfetti Van Melle listed on the stock market?
No, Perfetti Van Melle is a family-run business and is therefore not listed. This is why we do not publish an annual financial report.
No, Perfetti Van Melle is a family-run business and is therefore not listed. This is why we do not publish an annual financial report.
At the end of 2020, Perfetti Van Melle Benelux employed 753 people. This figure consists of 64% men and 36% women.
At the end of 2020, almost 17,600 people worked for Perfetti Van Melle at 39 locations.
Perfetti Van Melle has four branches in the Netherlands: Breda, Weert, Sittard and Andelst. Our international headquarters are located in Amsterdam.
In Breda we produce Mentos. In Weert we produce Fruittella and Wybert and in Sittard we produce Frisk and Smint. In Andelst we package several products for Look-O-Look.
Unfortunately it is not possible to organise guided tours of our factories as we have to guarantee optimal quality for our products. Safety provisions stipulate that machines must be sealed off and as we produce foodstuffs, strict rules apply with regard to hygiene.
You can send an e-mail to
You can find all the ingredients and nutritional values for each product on our so-called brand sites. You will be automatically directed to these websites via 'Our brands'.
For general information about the confectionery industry you can contact our branch association VBZ: